Tips for Eye Health

Tips for Eye Health

Statistics reports that 75% of the population of our planet has certain eye problems. However, not everyone remembers that most of the troubles that are associated with vision deterioration could be avoided. To maintain the health of the eyes, you just need to follow simple rules suggested by Safety Rx.

16 Tips for Eye Health and Maintaining Good Eyesight

1. Exercise your eyes

If you spend a lot of time in front of the computer screen, you probably noticed that your eyes are fatigue and dry already in the middle of the working day – after all, we blink twice less often looking at the monitor.

The monitor should be slightly below eye level, at a distance of approximately 60 cm. Use an anti-reflective coating to prevent the light from the screen from reflecting into the eyes.

Perform eye exercises every 20 minutes. To do this, look at the object located at a distance of about 6 meters from the computer for about 20 seconds.

2. Use sunglasses

UV rays are becoming stronger every year, adversely affecting the health of the eyes. Solar radiation can cause corneal damage, as well as accelerate the development of macular degeneration and cataracts. The sun is especially dangerous for those who have to spend their entire working day outside, who have already undergone one or several cataract operations, for those who are taking a number of medicines that can increase the sensitivity of the eyes to bright sunshine. Truly high-quality sunglasses are able to delay UV rays of type A and B, reduce glare and enhance image clarity.

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3. Use safety glasses

Eye injury can be obtained not only at work but also at home if the safety rules are not followed. Use eyeglasses to protect your eyes from small particles or chemicals. For sports, such as swimming, skiing or basketball, you should also choose safety glasses. They will help prevent eye damage.

The lenses of eyewear must be made of polycarbonate. Compared to other materials, polycarbonate has a 10 times higher impact resistance.

4. Go in for sports

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, regular exercise (even walking or dancing) can reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration by 70%. In addition, doing the usual exercises for 3o minutes daily, you reduce the risk of developing glaucoma by 25%. Moreover, moderate exercise helps to correct vision problems, even in people suffering from various eye diseases (renopathy, glaucoma).

5. Sleep on a regular schedule

Lack of sleep is bad for our eyes. After all, if we do not get enough sleep, they get tired. A person who does not observe the correct sleep pattern often encounters such problems as irritation and dryness of the eyes, sensitivity to light, and tearing. In order to avoid these troubles, you should sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

6. Eat foods that are good for the heart and eyes

Products that improve blood circulation will provide you with a healthy heart and good eyesight. These include citrus fruits, herbs and cereals, etc. Foods that are high in zinc can help prevent damage from ultraviolet radiation – these are beans, peas, nuts, oysters, lean red meat or poultry.

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Beta carotene contained in carrots and other yellow and orange products is very useful for vision. In our bodies, beta-carotene is processed into vitamin A, the lack of which can lead to vision problems.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are substances that are also good for the eyes. They are found in greens, spinach, cabbage and other leafy vegetables.

7. Do not ignore the pain in the eyes

A cold compress, antihistamines or eye drops will help relieve redness and itching. If you feel «sand» in your eyes, rinse them with cold water or isotonic solution.

If the symptoms do not disappear, the eyes are swollen, sore or become sensitive to light, you’d better not self-medicate. Seek medical help immediately.

8. Monitor blood glucose

Continuous consumption of animal fats and foods rich in glucose can lead to strong jumps in blood sugar. In turn, this can cause type 2 diabetes. Often this pathology is accompanied by such eye diseases as diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and glaucoma. A sharp increase in blood glucose can also cause changes in the structure of the lens, which lead to reduced vision.

9. Care for contact lenses

Be sure to wash your hands before touching the lenses. After removing the lenses you need to disinfect them. Use only high-quality solutions for this purpose. Change contact lenses regularly, depending on their specified lifespan.

Do not wear lenses if you intend to swim in a pool or open water, or use any potent chemicals. Be sure to remove the lenses before bedtime.

10. Read the instructions properly before using a medication

Some drug interactions can cause vision problems. Before taking the drug, read about the possible side effects. See your doctor if you notice symptoms such as dry eyes, tearing, double vision, photosensitivity, blurred vision, or swelling of the eyes after taking the medicine.

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11. Remove makeup before bedtime

Before you go to bed, be sure to remove makeup from your face. Otherwise, you expose your face to unnecessary stress. In addition, mascara or eyeliner can cause irritation when getting into the eyes.

12. Remove contact lenses when you go to bed

If you wear contact lenses, do not forget to remove them before going to bed. The eyes need constant access to oxygen, which the lenses obstruct.

13. Do not work in poor light

Working or reading in a poorly lit room makes us strain our eyes, and this is not at all useful for them.

14. Do not use old cosmetics

Dispose of expired liquid and cream eye makeup products as they may contain bacteria. It is necessary to use open means within three months. Do not use cosmetics that have expired.

Before applying makeup and after removing it is necessary to thoroughly clean the face from dirt. Do not use someone else’s makeup and testers mascara or shadows in stores. If you are prone to allergic reactions, use only tested products that are suitable for you.

15. Give up bad habits

It has been scientifically proven that tobacco use has a negative effect on eye health. This habit leads to cataracts and can significantly increase the risk of macular degeneration. In addition, you need to remember that the body of a smoking person is not able to properly absorb all the vitamins and trace elements necessary for the eyes. Due to their lack, the optic nerve is depleted, and the vision gradually begins to deteriorate. Alcohol contributes to dehydration of the eyes. Therefore, if you drink alcohol regularly, then you have a high risk of dry eye syndrome.

16. Check your eyesight regularly

It’s easy to check your vision. You just need to go through a small examination performed by an ophthalmologist. This will help identify the signs of an underlying disease in time. Remember – most of the eye diseases found in the early stages can be cured in 100%. In addition, such checks will help you (if necessary) find the right methods to correct vision, which can slow down the development of an existing disease.

Eye health is entirely up to you. Try to keep it for as long as possible!

Category: Eye Health

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